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Need Prayer? We’ll Pray For You!

It takes only seconds to create a Prayer Request. We have streamlined the process based on our experience and for your convenience. Quick chkbox's at the top greatly speed up this process.

1. Emotional: Anxious, Fearful, Lonely, Confused, Worried.  2. Spiritual: I need God, Wisdom, Direction, Fulfillment.

3. Family Concerns: Marital, Child, Sibling, Extended. 4. Health Issues: Illness, Surgery, Hospitalization.

5. Urgent: Critical, Critical Need, Require ASAP, perhaps Pls Phone or contact ASAP if indicated.

Pls Note: Only one required chkbox, First Name, & Postal are Required fields. Only share what you wish, be comfortable
Pls First Choose at Least One Required Chkbox:

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