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Welcome to the House of Healings

You’re Welcome Here

Since 2019, we have wholeheartedly welcomed members of the greater Niagara community to join us in song, service, worship and prayer at 20Church in Vineland and now we branch out for even greater outreach and investment in our community with our House of Healings. Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled congregation.

People In Church

Our Story

Belief in the Bible
and the Healings it Inspires

House of Healings, a congregation in Vineland, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community. We understand there are many needs in our community. We are here to agree with you in  Pray for those Needs. You are Not Alone, You Matter to God.





We are rooted in the stories of the Bible and believe worship is something that can be expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you here. We believe in the many miracles in scripture, and have been privileged to be on hand for more than just a few modern day miracles. Get in touch today or come and visit us in person.

Family Praying

“House of Healings recently launched by 20church will become the prayer pillar and stable foundation partnering with you, praying for your personal needs. Whatever the need be, physical, emotional, spiritual they are here to Pray and Believe for Healings”

Jerry H.


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Everyone Welcome! You Must be a Site Member before joining any Groups.


Please Join Our Global Intercessors Today!
Everyone Welcome!

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Global Intercessors Prayer Group

Everyone Welcome, join us in prayer for the many needs of our worlds peoples.


Pastor Dave

Only the Best

Since the start of his full-time ministry, Dave has felt a calling to include Christian motivation and evangelism in his work. He has ministered in over 37 countries, in churches of all sizes, as well as outdoor settings and stadiums. Being beckoned by a little church in Vineland not to retire but “stay the course” as their pastor, now he and April are excited about what God is doing in Vineland.


Pastor Dave has experienced multiple miracles on the missions field. He believes that Prayer is answered. God is still on the Throne! And, Jesus is Lord! The House of Healings, is his God's anointed vision for 20Church and our community! Get Connected!

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